Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Valentines Day Craft! Perfect for Kids!

I have been working on my 14 Valentines day ideas and crafts for this blog and I decided to try this one out today with my daughter. We had so much fun I had to share now, I couldn't wait!!!! (I'm not good at surprises either:) It is very easy, great for kids and I'm sure you already have the supplies! My daughter had a blast she's so proud it's hanging in her room!

All you need is paper, we used red construction paper, paper slicer (or scissors and a ruler) and glue! ***side note I just got a tip to use a stapler!!!
I cut the construction paper long ways into 1" strips, I made 30.
Fold the strips in half
Glue the cut end of the paper down into a V this gives you your heart shape :)
*Put a drop of glue on the inside on the inside of the bottom of the heart and pinch together (I took the picture to soon)
Now glue on the outside of the bottom of your first heart the cut stripes of paper, one on each side. Make sure your fold is pointing down before you glue.
Continue each step until you have your desired length.
Use multiple color combinations, alternate colors, or use similar shades for an ombre effect!

Ok you are going to really have to really wait for the rest :) February 1st will be the next of the 14 Valentine's Day post! You won't want to miss one!

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